Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Sunday morning dilemma

In the past three years or so, John and I have turned brunching into somewhat of a hobby. Brunch is fantastic and if you're reading this blog, you already know that. But beyond just the food or the fun had with friends, one of our favorite aspects of the brunch experience is finding new brunch spots around town.

No offense to First Watch, but the point is to find local, independent places that have great atmosphere and food. There are surprisingly a lot of places like this around town.

One of the main reasons why we decided brunch in Cincinnati needed its own blog is slightly selfish in nature. Many a lazy weekend morning have we woken up to realize that while we may have made the decision to go to brunch the night before, deciding where to go or remembering the places around town that served brunch was not always an easy task.

This blog hopes to serve as a resource, as much as a critical review. We also hope to hear about other opinions and suggestions on new places to go.